I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend who lives in Canada; I live in California. I wanted to send him a Christmas gift and something for his birthday, which is in January. I've sent him letters in the past which have not been much of a hassle; I just had to pay extra postage. Now, I will be sending a package. I read somewhere that because it will be leaving the country I need a passport (even though I'll clearly be staying here) and that I will have to fill out a customs form. I have not yet found another website that mentions needing a passport and when I try to search the web for an answer, I get questions about mailing a passport internationally.
Could someone please walk me through this process? I really need this answered as soon as possible and I don't know anyone else to ask. Obviously the easy answer is to go to a post office, but I live in a college dorm with no transportation and would be mailing this around Thanksgiving, when I would be home for the holiday.